Sleep is something that I have a real love/hate relationship with. At night when I'm actually supposed to do it, I don't want to. But in the morning when my parents are urging me to get up, my only goal in life to stay in bed forever. I even have an interesting analogy about it. I think that it is like a weird foreign food. When it's offered to you, you go, "Nah, maybe some other time." But when you do try it, it's like the nectar of the gods. You just can't get enough.
I don't understand it though. I know why sleeping at the right time and for enough time is important; but lying in bed at 11:13 pm I feel like I have the energy of a thousand 5 year old children in me. It's like that's the time for all the important things in life.
In the morning it's just the opposite. I feel like it's only the connection between my body and the surface of my lovely bed that matters. All else is muted and all I care about is the way my head is perfectly nestled on the pillow. And how peaceful everything is.
The question is, though, why do I (and probably everyone else on the planet) feel like this?
I have an interesting theory.
I think that humans were actually meant to work at night and rest during the day. And that probably at one point we did too much work and our eyes were affected and we could no longer see at night properly. And so we unanimously decided to switch up our cycle so as to make sure we were able to work properly.
I mean it's perfectly logical. Look at all the animals in the jungles and plains. If you sit down to count, you'll notice that most of them operate at night. Especially the carnivores. And guess what we are? I know you'll say 'omnivore' but my theory covers that as well. See, I think that humans were originally carnivores but then became omnivores because their success rate of hunting during the day was too low to be sustainable. That way any nutrition not taken in the form of meat would be compensated by easily obtainable fruits and vegetables.
See? It's so clear. How come no-one else thought of this????
This is why I think people don't like sleeping at night but do so during the day. It's like one of those inherent nature things.
Sometimes I surprise even myself with my sheer genius. #jeremyclarkson
It's not like I can do anything about it. I don't know what would happen if I suddenly started staying awake through the night and sleeping during the day. My parents would surely freak out. And there'd be no going to school I suppose.
That's it for today I think.
See you next time!