Its a Sunday. Another Sunday in a long and unending sequence of Sundays that come one after another. A monotonous continuity. Of days and moments. Every Sunday is the same. Get up late. Lay in bed. Curse yourself for not finishing your work. Eat a lazy breakfast. Put off having a bath as far as you can. Eat a heavy meal and snooze the afternoon away. Spend the evening dreading Monday and finishing your work. Eat dinner and sleep late. Done.
Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be a pigeon. Free to do whatever I want to and poop wherever I want to because that's all they ever do. Flutter about, cooing incessantly because why not? Who cares if there are other material beings around me trying to do something worthwhile? This grain is more important anyway. *pigeon noise*.
I hate pigeons.
I dunno what to say. I didn't really plan this post. I'm kind of winging it.
Have you ever tried doing something without any preparation whatsoever? Even though you knew about it before-hand? I have. It's really a terrifying feeling. I remember I had to speak once in front of my class about something. And in the two weeks I had for preparation I did squat. I put things off till the last minute and I remember a really uncomfortable car ride during which i tried to memorize everything I could about the topic. Didn't work.
I spent my 2 minutes of stage time staring at expectant faces and compulsively stuttering. However much you think you will come up with an acceptable presentation on the spot; you really won't. At the end of my turn I returned to my seat with my tail between my legs and a serious burn on my back from my teacher's angry eyes.
Secretly though I think niether my classmates or my teacher had really expected me to come up with something good. So I took comfort in that and went on with life.
Moral of the story: Don't wing things. Humans were never meant to fly.
Sunday afternoons are a drag to me. Everybody sleeps. Time seems to stand still. I get fidgety.
I don't know what I should do today. I think I'll watch Animal Planet for a while. I haven't done that in ages. Hopefully they're going to show Austin Stevens Adventures sometime. I miss that show.
Blegh. Whatever.
See you next time.