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Blogging Revisited

This blog has become three years old now. That’s a long time to do anything. I mean, if you can make an entire human baby in just nine months, three years seems to be quite a big surplus of time. But yeah, I’ve been doing this for a while now. I’ve sort of honed my way of writing these. And today I’m thinking I’ll write a bit about the process. A bit about my method, if you will.


If any of you out there have been here from the beginning, I had started out with a little old post called “Blogs Blogs Blogs”; and I’d very successfully not been able to explain why I was doing a blog. And three years later, the point of this still remains obscure, but I carry on with the belief that I am probably doing an acceptable job.

Thankfully, there are none who have refuted this notion yet. Therefore, my false sense of security remains intact and unharmed. And I suppose I can rest easy, because there’s nobody out there who ever will. Because that’s just human nature. We are social animals and hence we unconsciously avoid anti-social behavior. And uh… no wait. I’ll keep that for a later post.

Okay so… Where were we? My blog posts? Yup.

People tell me that I write well. And it’s a nice feeling. I really like it, as would anyone. Validation is, after all, the opium of the 21st century. People would do many dangerous and unnecessary things to get just a bit of it. And sometimes I don’t blame them.  But the point is, anyone can say it’s good. Not to brag, but of course it’s good. I wrote it. If it were anything else, I’d castrate myself. You can quote me on that. Go on… I’ll wait.

The more pertinent question is, are you intrigued by it? Am I making you feel when I say this stuff? That’s what I want to know. I want to know that when I say something a little out there, you think about that too. I’d like to think that’s what happens for most of you, but if not, try it out. It’s nice.

Anyhow, my point is that words are very easy to be overwhelmed by. And very easy to come up with, as you would have it. I’ll explain, wait.

It’s like this. Make a Venn diagram in your head right now. There’s set A and set B, right?


Everyone has one side which contains all the things that they understand. Things that they can comprehend and rationalize. Stuff like smartphones and YouTube and pencils. Make that Set A. Then, there is another circle of the things that they don’t understand. Things like women and climate change and engineering mathematics. Set B, we’ll call it. Now that little grey area where these two sections meet, is very important. It’s where this blog exists. That’s the reason I could be spewing utter bull crap, and yet there is going to be someone out there who is going to like it. Just because it sounds different and interesting. But not so outlandish that it’s out of the realm of people like you and me.

That’s how it is. Like this particular post in my opinion, is of the “hmm” variety. Classic Random Madness content. But you can “hmm” it whichever way you like, to be honest. I’m no authority on the matter.

Like, if I’m being very honest, I don’t understand some of the things I’m trying say all that well either. But I just kind of do it. And it works. Pretty well, I think too. It’s amazing how much you can get away with if you do it with confidence. It’s a good business model. I strongly suggest you try it out sometime.

So yeah, I hope that has served as a bit of insight into the making of my blog posts.

Until next time, then!


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