What’s the point of a blog? And what’s the point of me writing a blog? I don’t see it, even if there is one. So what am I doing? I don’t know. I don’t care. I shall do this. Yes.
Yes. What now? Hmmm. Blogs, yes, blogs. Blogs have many many words. Interesting words no doubt, since the general public continues to read them. So I must have interesting words in mine.
Eloquence, Emaciation, Reveries, Swashbuckling. There. The views will now stack up in no time.
What else? Topic. Blog entries must have specific topics on which the interesting words are written. So the topic for this entry shall be… blogs. Good. Now that that’s decided we can move on.
There must also be a viewpoint I think. A purpose for my writings. Hmm… This is a hard one. I don’t know. I guess the purpose of this particular entry is to use up some of that suppressed energy stuck inside my body. Not a very convincing purpose I must say. But a purpose nonetheless.
Phew, this is hard. Thinking of words while keeping in mind the topic and its purpose. But am I forgetting something? AARGH. I don’t know what!
Uhhh. Uhhhhhh. I can’t think of anything. My brain doesn’t work anymore. It’s been abused too long. Numbed by the countless hours of mindless violence in video games, and overstimulated by the excessive number of movies and TV shows I watch. Deafened by the millions of songs I listen to and exhausted by the number of books I read. And still after all that it used to work. But then along came the internet.
I used to be a happy child. I’d play with my toys and read my books. I liked to watch movies on the television from time to time. And I followed a few TV shows as well. All this was enough to keep me occupied. But when the internet came, everything changed. It was like an acopalyspe. Wait. That’s not right. Apocalypse. Yes, that’s better. So, Apocalypse. The internet came like an earthquake. Unpredictable. Earth-shattering. It was like a piñata full of candies and other tasty treats had suddenly burst and everything had landed on me.
Turns out you can have too much of a good thing. Videos, music, books, pop culture, and just about everything else on the face of this earth. I think it was a bit too much for me. Not that I’m complaining. I mean, who wouldn’t want to waste a long holiday watching unimportant YouTube videos and reading articles about celebrities. Nowadays that’s just about everything I do.
It’s this constant need for stimulation that’s developed in me that scares me most. Its addicting and it’s harmful. An infinite number of hours wasted on meaningless social media sites when one could have an actual face to face conversation with someone else. Internet addiction should be an illness. I don’t know. Maybe it already is.
I apologise. I love the internet and I don’t want it to go. I guess teenagers don’t really know what to say when and where.
Blegh. Whatever.
I went off topic. :-/
But then, again, I can’t think of anything to say about blogs anyway. Ah well. Bye for now. See you next time.