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Communication Breakdown

We tend to think humans are a superior species. That we’ve adapted through all adversity and come out the most dominant force on this planet. And sure, our advances in technology have been incredible. I mean, no self-respecting lion can boast of being able to fly without wings, but even a 2-year-old just learning to speak, can. It is truly commendable. And there won’t be anything like us for a long time once we’re gone.

But in my opinion the problem is that we never got to pace ourselves. To put it in another way, we humans did all this evolution over just a rough span of 150,000 years. Which is peanuts compared to the millions and millions of years that other creatures have existed. Like wolves or crocodiles. They have eons of experience and they know what they’re doing. While we just left everyone else behind and went our own way. It’s astounding. Humans went forward at so rapid a rate that we didn’t get to familiarize ourselves with our own ways of life and the effect we have on the environment, and that’s made us destructive and alien to everything else. I mean, you can think of birds and cats and squirrels and you’ll instantly go, “Ah, animals.” But not us. Homo sapiens exists just by itself. Unlike anything else.

The human species is that one kid who hit puberty way too early and is now moody and spiteful because he doesn’t really fit in. Nobody to talk to and nobody to play with. Unstable and erratic. Because nobody understands us.

And I feel like that can only change once humans themselves learn to communicate with each other better. Even with our complex languages and actions, we still face problems everyday with others not understanding us and the words we say. In all that hurry to progress and build a better future for the ourselves, we forgot the fact that we have problems processing our own problems and emotions and expressing them. We diversified and split up into smaller and smaller factions until we could hardly relate with people from other places. And deep down everyone knows that but can’t address the issue. Because simply put, we just don’t know how to converse.

We have so much out there to stimulate and influence us, and if only we could share it all properly, we would truly understand each other. And when that would happen, we’d finally be able to think of things from the point of view of Homo Sapiens, and the world as a whole. And that is when we would collectively be able to work for a better future for Earth and its inhabitants successfully.


When I read through now, I see that I talk of over-the-top utopian ideas that’ll probably never be possible. So let’s scale things down a bit. Let’s keep it easier for now. We’ve got communication issues, right?

Let’s just start with talking.

Talk to me. Talk to your friends. Your parents. Talk about your issues. Your dreams and your aspirations. It’ll be worth it. Nobody ever got stuff done by keeping it a secret. Nobody ever will. And the day everyone understands that will be the day we get on the right track. So I guess the point I’m trying to put across is, spread the word guys.


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