Dilip put a frying pan on the stove top, lowered the flame to a blue flicker and dribbled a little oil onto the surface of the pan. He'd decided to make eggs for breakfast.
He picked two eggs, grabbed the cheese from the fridge and made his way back to the pan, which was just starting to smoke up a little. He took an egg, and smacked it sharply on the kitchen counter to crack it a little bit. But the egg had other ideas, and promptly shattered into a big puddle of raw egg and shell fragments, with Dilip's hand right in the middle of it.
'Well, that's just great', he said out loud.
He sighed.
Dilip extracted his hand from the mess and turned off the flame. He agreed with his pathetic cooking skills that instant ramen was going to be the menu that morning. He grabbed a couple of paper towels and moved back to his mess. Wiping up the gunk from the counter, he crumpled it up into a ball and chucked it in the bin. He used some cleaning spray and cleaned the area until he couldn't tell an egg had been massacred there ten minutes ago. He stepped back and sighed, wondering what he'd done to deserve all the manual labor. Maybe I should do breakfast later, he thought.
He was tired and decided to sit down for a bit. He walked out to the dining room, pulled out a chair and sat down. He looked up at the clock.
He'd been awake almost an hour and he'd managed to not do anything productive at all. He now had just about forty five minutes to go until he'd have to leave to get to college. An acceptable amount of time, in his opinion. He mentally divided his time into three equal parts. Fifteen minutes each to take a dump, have a bath and have breakfast. No. He'd need some time to get ready. Picking an outfit wasn't as easy as it used to be. The dump would have to be a quick one, so no watching YouTube videos while on the throne. Unfortunate, but the compromise was necessary.
The dump was short but boring. Time seemed to slow down when Dilip had nothing to do. So he spent it daydreaming about being in a band, something he did often.
The shower was excellent in his opinion. It was that time of the year when the water was always at the perfect temperature. Cool and refreshing. There was only one annoying moment when the playlist on shuffle played the wrong song on the bluetooth speaker, that sat on a small table near the shower. Dilip had to reach out of the shower booth and tap the skip button until he arrived at a more desirable song. Once that was done it was all smooth sailing.
He walked out of the shower with a grin on his face. Eminem was playing and his lyrics always made Dilip crack up.
He put on a pair of jeans and spent a couple of minutes choosing a tshirt. Plain or witty saying?, he thought. He decided to go with the latter. Then he proceeded to spray some deodorant onto himself. He looked at his face in the mirror, and scrutinized the unruly stubble that was beginning to show. Tomorrow, I'll shave for sure, thought Dilip.
Going out of his room, he stopped and turned around at the door and turned around to survey his kingdom. Had he forgotten anything? Bed? Made. Laundry? Done. What about his daily essentials? Phone? Check. Wallet? Check. Keys? Yessir. Earphones? *scoff* Obviously.
Satisfied, he moved hurriedly to the kitchen. He was hungry and in a hurry.
He opened the door to the fridge and peered inside.
'Hmm', he said, 'What should I have?'.