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It’s Dumb

Sentiment. The bane of humanity. There’s so much unnecessary action taking place affecting us and our decisions, that is a result of sentiment.

And I find that incredibly stupid. I think it is very easy to avoid my thoughts getting swayed by emotion. There is always a right and wrong choice. People who think that the effects and intentions of whatever we do exist in the gray area between good and bad, are just trying to justify their choices that went wrong. The human brain, for better or for worse, is equipped with the ability to extrapolate from the present. Before going forward with anything, everyone has the ability to gauge possible results and predict any complications that may arise. And that lies true for all problems in life.

Yet, everyday, people manage to take foolish approaches to issues and cause undue consequences for themselves. And its not just dumb people; even learned people with much knowledge and experience of the world they live in, are just as susceptible to making a fool of themselves. And I find myself getting quite worked up about it. I mean, aren’t we all the same? Homo sapiens? Surely we all must have at least a basic level of intelligence that should make us impervious to idiocy. Surely, it can’t be that hard…

But no. I am wrong. For it’s not just your brain that takes a decision, but your heart too. And the heart’s dumb. Mainly because it runs on emotional fuel. And that shit’s volatile. You could be lounging around at home thinking about making a sandwich, and without any warning, you’ll be reminded of something someone somewhere did to you that made you feel good or bad, and that’s going to influence your immediate actions in life.

But maybe that isn’t such a bad thing. It’s probably necessary for one to go wrong sometimes so that he/she can know what it means to be correct. If not, you forget what it means to be human. And that is not to be of the species Homo sapiens, but to be a pivot for what is right or wrong. No wait. A pivot with a bias. Yeah. That sounds right.

But you know it’s pointless to think I can change how people work. I am powerless in that aspect. All this foresight and knowledge and there’s nothing I can do about it…

Except of course silently laugh at everyone around for being total idiots, and pray to God they don’t do the same for me.


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