What was the probability you were going to end up right here reading these words? Next to nothing, literally. As we progress through life, in our painfully finite wisdom, we make choices and take decisions that influence our immediate and foreseeable future without giving it any thought.
I recently went down memory lane and got lost in pictures from when I was in school. And in retrospect, I see how different I was back then. And the thing is, I am the messiah of change in my life. Everything I've done was a result of the way I felt and thought things were supposed to be, you know? And the more I progress through life, the more improbable everything gets. Because the more I live and breathe, the more time I have to make choices and go down different pathways in life. I find that a really interesting fact to think about. Because like, who knows where else you could have ended up. The possibilities are endless.
I'm very sure that there is some combination of things I could have done in my life that would have made me a big famous movie star or something. Maybe there was a way I could have become an infamous mafia boss. Or maybe I could have been a horse? Who knows, man?
or maybe I could've been all 3?
It's impossible that this consecutive series of choices then, is a coincidence. I mean, how the hell do you make this up? It's true when they say fact is sometimes stranger than fiction. The way life happens to work out is unpredictable and erratic. You do things you'd never have, you meet people you'd never have, and you feel things you'd never have. You become this sort of ever growing ever changing thing that works on random chance. Yes, of course, we have our morals and innate sense of right and wrong to guide us, but even that is subject to the way we are taught. So then, we are essentially products of chance. And chance can sometimes make you do things right, and other times wrong. Unfair, you might say. Why can't we do everything right and not function on this probabilistic model of life?
I mean, I gotta agree with you there. Personally, the only kind of model that should be allowed is the kind that walks runways and belongs on bedroom posters. Math models are evil and scary.
But yes, there's a reason. It's because the correct options are still unknown. You see, if you were meant to do everything right, then that would mean the ultimate powers that might be (whether it's God in the case of a religious person or yourself if you're of the same school of thought as me), already know, the best, most optimum way to live life for you. But in reality, that doesn't happen. The option of chance means the absence of fact. Fact in the sense: the definite truth about whether a certain thing has good or bad implications.
To put it into a visual sense, life is the grey area that you get when good and bad cross over. You never really know if what you're doing is correct, you can only just hope that based on your existing knowledge and principles, you made the best possible choice for that particular decision. And that your choice, will align with the opinion of the universe.