As I grow physically and mentally, I realize that with age, I am cutting off every single activity that is healthy. Even the remotely good ones. There's a lot of stuff that are collectively causing this phenomenon. It's weird. I realize it happening but I choose to ignore it. It's a mental disorder. Like dementia...
Or disliking ice cream.
In an ideal situation I would be waking up at a healthy 5 o'clock in the morning, exercising for a healthy hour or two, eating a large healthy breakfast full of those essential nutrients doctors talk about. And then going about my day in a healthy sort of way. Maybe I'd even down a few glasses of that green juice you see in the movies. It's a nice healthy thought.
But weirdly I can never bring myself around to doing it. There's always the sense that it's all futile and nothing really matters.
The bad things are always easier. Why spend an hour running when you can just as easily spend that time watching YouTube videos? Why bother cooking at home when you can just eat out? And so on.
You could say it's a test of faith and that God makes us do hard things so the we can value the rewards better. But I just think we're all really really lazy. Some more than others.
I guess we all secretly want everything to happen magically. Like a wish from a genie. And perhaps inspiration doesn't last as long as it should.
You could blame it on our mindsets. To me it feels like everything that I feel and believe in has been numbed by the advance of technology and the advent of the world wide web. My sense of responsibility, of respect and of commitment has been dumbed down. And I don't exactly know how to reverse it. Even though I can sense it's happened whatever I do never seems to work. That horrible beast named procrastination strikes. Lethally.
But there has to be something one can do about it. Maybe a pill. Or the threat of capital punishment. Something. There has to be. To be honest I think the problem can be solved with teamwork.
If everyone shared their problems with others I think we'd all find that inspiration can last longer and we can go through with the tasks we set ourselves. Be it exercising and eating healthy in my case or something else altogether. Maybe you'd make a few friends too, along the way.
People problems are solved by more people problems.
That's like, killing two birds by throwing one at the other. No stones required.
So in summation I suppose what I am saying is... To not lose focus on our problems and goals, we must adopt communism, but only for our problems. Maybe discuss them on the internet. Bring back chat rooms, people.
Or just watch some Netflix instead. Much easier.