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The Pizza Theory


After what has been a reeeeaaalllyy long break, I’ve finally sat down at my desk, switched on the laptop, taken a sip of my Coca-Cola, stretched my fingers and gotten around to making another one of these babies.

But now that I’m here, what do I write about? What is my story this time? I don’t know. I’m just going to write stuff. Let’s see what comes of it.

So, is there anything really interesting that I should write about? Is there anything that interesting going on in my life that you guys might like to read about? Maybe. But is it really necessary?  It doesn’t really matter to the world whether this particular bit of text is read. In the grand scheme of things, what a kid sitting at a computer says, will make zero difference to anything at all. This is merely an outlet. Like a sewage opening spewing garbage into the gigantic ocean that is the internet. Where it’ll just get overly diluted by other garbage from other outlets. Finally getting lost to the depths hidden from the world.

From a wide enough perspective, nothing matters and everything is pointless. And more often than not I find myself looking at things from that perspective. It proves to be a very stark and sad one. For all I’m ever thinking is that nothing I ever do is necessary and no one really cares. Because of this or because I’m always making jokes about things, people tend to think I don’t give importance to things the way I supposedly should. They think I am irresponsible.

I suppose the only way to remedy this is to become more serious. More mature. Like an adult. Unfortunately that’s exactly what I don’t want to do. I don’t really know why, but I want to remain as I currently am for the rest of my life. I like being young. Being green and inexperienced. I feel it’s got to do with the fact that literally everybody I have ever met has told me that childhood is always going to be the best time of my life.

And I don’t expect otherwise. No one has ever said paying bills is fun, and no one ever will. No wonder I’m going to be wanting to remain a child. Anybody would. It’s quite obviously the best part of life.

I think that’s because life is like eating pizza for the first time.

The first slice is amazing. It’s heaven on a plate. It’s so good you can’t believe it. You wolf it down without a thought. That’s the first decade of your life. Just a montage of broken memories of toys and games and sleeping. You rush through this little piece of awesomeness. It goes by too quickly.

You quickly reach for another slice. This one you savor a bit. Taste the bits you didn’t notice before. The toppings, the crust and the sauce. This is your teenage and college years. This is you discovering the world out there. This is you working towards your future. This is you discovering academics. This is you having hobbies and different interests. This is you noticing the opposite sex.

Then there’s the third slice. This one you take without hesitation. You like the taste of it and you’re sure about wanting to have it. This is you doing what everyone ends up doing sometime or the other. Working. You’re ambitious to conquer the world outside you. You want to accomplish your hopes and dreams. You want to have a family. This is you working towards that. This is your thirties and forties.

Then there’s the fourth slice. You’ve worked hard for it. You’ve achieved all your goals. Gone through numerous hardships along the previous three slices. But is it all you wanted? Is it all you expected? It must be. You have no way of knowing. You’re comfortable, and  But you are content with what you’ve done. You go slow on this one. Now your focus isn’t just on the pizza itself but also on others around you. This is your middle age. This is your retirement years.

The fifth one follows. You aren’t having fun anymore. It’s quite frankly tiring. But you soldier on. Craving that brief taste of paradise on your palate before it goes down your gullet, blowing up your poor stomach even further. You can’t go on like this. You must stop. You put down that last remaining bit of crust. Unable to stuff it down. You lean back and let out a deep sigh. This is you trying to grasp the last remaining bits of life you have left. This is you looking back and reliving it all in your mind. This is the last days of your life.

You look up, wondering whether all of it was worth it. But you know deep down inside that it was.


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